In this episode of Law and Order, a young man walks into the SVU to confess that he was thinking about molesting his five year old step brother.
The way the story is told, you sympathize with the young man for being courageous enough to seek help for his thoughts before he actually commits any crime from the beginning of the episode to his step father trying to frame him for pedophile (to get him out of the house) right up to his death.
I especially thought this episode was worthy to write a little something about because it is indeed a rare thing for the audience to want feel sorry for someone who thinks about molesting a child. Especially if you're a parent yourself, usually episodes containing such things make me want to punch the perp. However, the young man had yet to do anything, you simply feel sorry for him because he could not stop himself for thinking the way he could even though he tried so hard to do it. I also wanted to scream at the District Attorney in this episode because she refused to do anything to help the young man even after he confessed about "loving" his step brother in all the wrong ways.