Thursday, August 25, 2011

Crime in Media

Let's see on Tuesday night, I watched an episode of Bones, (A crime show about a forensic anthropologist who's partnered up with a FBI agent, based on a real person). It was about a bowler who was murdered and crammed up into where the pins are supposed to in a bowling alley.

Wednesday Morning, I did actually open my paper to read the story concerning Katy Benoit's murder, although I knew everything the paper had to say from other sources.
Thursday Morning, I again opened the paper to read more on the murder, and I would just like to point out that they have their facts wrong... Katy did not die at her place of residence, she died in the hospital. I have a friend who works there and when she left work that night, Katy was still alive.
I watched an episode of Teen Mom, it's relevant because there was some legal issues going on with one of the moms and her physically attacking the father of her child.
I have probably taken in some other media involving crime but I wasn't really paying attention to some of what I was watching due to the fact that I was doing other homework. But anyways, I still think it's amazing that crime is basically a common thing in our lives now. For instance, not a day goes by that I don't hear sirens.
People are no longer surprised at the violence that happens everyday, I mean sure they get shocked when it happens to them or someone they know simply because we chose to tell ourselves that something like that can never happen to us and then it does and we're like, what?
However, we watch it on TV all the time and are not shocked by the nature of the crimes anymore, sometimes we don't want to believe it but the shock still isn't there. We are a society that has accepted that crime will happen, hence all the punishments set into place by the legal system. Why prepare for something that won't happen?

I believe on Friday, I again watched another episode of Bones, but I didn't get too far into it because I fell asleep soon after it started. I didn't open the paper either because I was busy with getting Liam's birthday party into place.

 This morning, (Saturday) I opened the paper and again read more on the murder of Katy Benoit. I think it's ridiculous at how much the newspaper is milking this story for how much they're doing so. I understand that it's a big deal that a student was murdered but I absolutely do not like how the news is choosing to constantly remind students of the tragedy. Yes, none of us are likely to forget, but to have it shoved in our faces as much as it has been this past week is helping none of us.
I was watching Beethoven with my son, and in the beginning, the first crime appears where the two guys are stealing the puppies from the pet store.
On Sunday I kinda watched some Law and Order: SVU. What really happened is I was watching a movie on tv and then fell asleep and woke up to the show and I just left on there but I wasn't really paying too much attention to the show because I had seen the episode before.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hana,

    This is a good start, but you're a bit behind. You need to be blogging each week about all of the assigned readings, even if I didn't provide a specific prompt. Let me know if you have questions.
