Sunday, December 11, 2011

Mason - Prison

Mason explains to us the structure of prison films and how they appeal to the audience with things such as the deterrent effect, the extreme graphics and sadism that occurs. Prison films also make sure to show the dehumanizing process that all prisoners have to endure for their crimes. These films also like to constantly remind the audience of the strict routine that continues throughout prison life, lining up for food, going out to the exercise yard when you're told to. The life you lead is the life that the guards allows you to. It's like being a teenager all over again.

Besides, Shawshank Redemption, the most recent experience I've had with prisons in the media involved watching the series Prison Break last year, which fyi, it is a most excellent to watch! If I recall, it does much of what Mason talks about. Dehumanizing process, strict routines, nothing done without permission.Corrupt guards that would sometimes look away when certain things were happening, especially if they had been bribed to. Mistreatment of prisoners was a common occurrence, however, if you were on the Warden's good side, it was rare that you were mistreated and it was rare to get on the Warden's good side

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