Sunday, December 11, 2011

Shawshank Redemption and Rafter Chapter Six

Shawshank was a good movie but not one of my favorites. The exaggeration in the film was a little too much for me, I don't really get why it's considered a classic other than Morgan Freeman is a freaking awesome actor and anything he touches turns gold.

Rafter talks in this chapter about the "classic" prison film, the identification with the "perfect" man, the perfect friendship, the worst criminal you can think of, the happy ending where the good guy who got put away for some stupid reason escapes either by actually escaping or dying in the end.

It's pretty easy to catch these types of characteristics in all genres of films because when a recipes works well, you don't throw it away, you use it again and again. Making a film, is a lot like baking, you want everything to turn out as good as possible so once you or someone else has figured out what brings the best taste to people's mouths, you use it all the time.

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